Hyper-target your ideal customer with a Neighborhood BLITZ.
Unlock the power of hyper-targeting your ideal customers with Neighborhood Blitz. Our innovative tool allows you to effortlessly pinpoint the exact homes you want to reach through direct mail. Simply draw on a map to select your target area and apply filters based on property type, including single-family homes, multi-family units, and even commercial properties. With Neighborhood Blitz, reaching your desired audience has never been easier.

Neighborhood BLITZ can help your business in multiple ways.
Discover your ideal customers with Address Blitz. Simply enter the address you want to target and select the closest 5, 10, 50, 100, or more neighbors that perfectly match your criteria.
Once you've handpicked the desired number of addresses, sending them mail is just a few clicks away.
Experience the convenience and efficiency of Address Blitz today.

Neighborhood Blitz precisely targets your desired audience with our filter options on Address or Map BLITZs.
Residential Filters include factors like Home value, Income, Year built, Length of residence, Age of homeowner, and more.
B2B Filters include criteria such as Business type, annual income, number of employees, building size, green score, and more.
Establish campaigns to send postcard drips, educating potential customers on how your business can assist them.

Reach your perfect audience effortlessly by handpicking the precise areas you want to target. Simply sketch a custom shape around any neighborhood, select the exact number of addresses you desire to reach, and let us take care of the rest!
Map blitz is a versatile tool that caters to both residential and B2B needs.
This remarkable tool is perfect for zeroing in on high-end neighborhoods, hidden treasures, specific sections within a town, or exclusive gated communities.
Say goodbye to wasting time and money on sending mail to irrelevant or bad areas.

Our Neighborhood BLITZ features are a part of our DOPE Playbooks.
Based on data from previous users, we created industry specific strategies that when paired with your CRM will make your marketing powerful. We've taken our Neighborhood BLITZ features and made a game plan so you don't have to do any strategizing. It’s our way to hyper target YOUR ideal client to get you more Reviews, Referrals and Revenue.

Built to bolt-on to any CRM
We’ve built our software from the ground up to be comparable with as many CRM’s as we can.
From Housecall Pro to HubSpot, we can work with every CRM we're able to. If yours isn't on the list, don't worry! Give us a call and we can make sure we work with yours before you sign up.